Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mood eyes...

My eyes are an interesting color. On my driver's license I've stated them as blue, because they pretty much are, but I think they really are more hazel---it's hard to tell. Mostly blue, with a rim of green-ish blue around the edge and little specks of brown interspersed in the blue. Lately the whites of my eyes have had lots of red lines as well, which interestingly enough, make the blue appear even more intense. My eyes are not unlike many that change hue and intensity based on what I'm wearing, but I'm not entirely sure they don't change with my mood as well.
There are obvious things like being tired or sick where your eyes feel droopy and listless, but that's not exactly what I mean. I mean, the actual iris color changing with my mood--it's hard to describe, and I don't usually notice it myself; generally someone will make an interesting comment.
"Wow, your eyes look SO blue today."
"What color are your eyes? I can't really tell."
"Are you ok? Your eyes look kind of dark/almost brown, I thought you had blue eyes."
"Your eyes are really grey...I don't know many people with grey eyes."
Luckily nobody has ever commented that they look black or red or I would know I'm really in trouble.....

I've been paying attention to the eyes of others lately as well. I like to read what is being said there without any words being exchanged. I love it when I can look into the eyes of someone I know really well and know exactly what they are thinking and when a look exchanged can almost equal an entire conversation.
They say that our eyes are the window to our soul and I guess that's pretty true.

I was thinking about how mood rings were so popular when I was in Jr. High and I've seen them make a small comeback. (Doesn't everything, eventually??)
Comments like these have made me a little more aware of my eyes and it's been interesting to make some observations.of my own...I'm not entirely sure my eyes aren't "mood eyes". I'm finding that I'm much easier to read than those silly rings, in fact, there are times this makes me feel downright vulnerable---can't really leave my eyes home on the dresser....


  1. That's an interesting observation..... I just hope they don't turn red because then we will all know you are a vampire.... lol.

  2. That IS interesting. I'll have to pay more attention. I never looked DEEP into your eyes... LOL!! However, I always thought your boys had beautiful eyes. Are they like yours? I didn't really look that closely at theirs,either... That may have been kind of creepy. HAH!! ;D
