Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So...what to choose???

SO many choices for my New Year's resolutions....SO many areas in which I fall short.  Sometimes it's a hard line to try to be better without being too hard on myself.  I tend to get a little over zealous when it comes to these resolutions because I know the real me and want to be better. It's not unusual for me to have a long list that I want to check off from day to day and month to month. 

So, this year I'm going to try something a little different. I've found a few quotes that I'm printing up and keeping close to me as I face whatever 2011 has in store.

 "If what you believe doesn't affect how you live, then it's not that important."
#1-Simply put: I know what I believe and I'm going to be better at acting upon that.

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”
#2-I have some lofty running/fitness goals for myself this year. I'm going to remember that I started as a girl who has NEVER run and gonna see how far I can get. I can't wait to see how far I get!!

"I See You"
 #3-This quote is FULL of meaning for me, but let's just say that I'll try to do better at looking at people and trying to understand them better and leave it at that for now.

"Every day may not be good, but there's some good in every day."
#4-Find it. Every day.


"To be or not to be?' That is not the question. What is the question? The question is not one of being, but of becoming. 'To become more or not to become more' This is the question faced by each intelligence in our universe." Truman G. Madsen


1 comment:

  1. Denise - My Wise-Sage Friend :) I love your post - very inspiring!!! Miss you so much! Hope 2011 brings you lots of success...I love your idea of putting inspirational quotes around - I think you are on to something here :)
