I'm going for the money.
I remember something my mom and I used to joke about when I was a teenager. I think it was because I was old enough to recognize the importance of the family finances and actually took notice of the frustration my parents surely felt as they experienced the constant outpouring of money that raising a family takes.
There was one year that was particularly bad...lots of home repairs, needs to replace old vehicles, several teenage drivers....the teenage-children years in general.
Well, I'm there and have been for quite some time now--and I TOTALLY understand what she said with her comment: "Next time, I'm marrying for money." I remember thinking that was such a funny thing to say and I'm glad I knew she was joking. Well, I've found myself expressing that very sentiment...tongue in cheek, of course.
Between 7 sets of braces, 4 teenage drivers down and 2 to go, the many prom dresses, wrestling, soccer, dance and basketball shoes, instruments and lessons, school "supplies", missionaries, weddings, doctor bills, clothes and the proverbial "food budget" that is constantly pushed to the limit, I sometimes wonder. (Don't even get me started on business ventures, vehicles and home repairs.....)
In all honesty, as frustrating as it is and as sure as I am at this very moment that we may never fully recover financially from everything, I wouldn't change my family for the world. That is surely saying a lot as I sit here today in the middle of a painting project and with no water because of a burst pipe. I'm not a clean freak, but I do prefer a little more order in my life than what I am currently experiencing.
I've no doubt that Bri certainly has a few ideas of his own running through his head--gotta wonder what they are. A wife who cooks every night? Someone who never lets her mind think about "greener grass"? Someone who doesn't lament the fact that she LOVES to travel and is constantly wishing to do so? (Good news is, if our ship ever does come in, I have a whole list of itineraries from which to choose...)
Right now, he wishes for a wife who doesn't have a long "honey-do" list. That I DO know... ;)
Good thing we're both extremely patient and love each other, 'cause I married Brian for his money...and I'm sticking around until he gets some! :)
I married Ken for his money too so together we will patiently wait...and wait...and wait... and while doing so we will dream and eat peanutbutter M&Ms :)